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Smart Cities

Why Smart Cities?

It is predicted that by 2050 the percentage of the world's population living in cities will rise to 70 per cent, which poses numerous challenges for municipalities, which are faced with environmental, housing, mobility and health issues.

Why Smart Cities?

In 2021, 56 per cent of the world's population lived in cities and it is estimated that by 2050, the percentage will rise to 68 per cent (UN-Habitat, 2021), which presents a number of challenges for municipalities faced with environmental, housing, mobility and health issues, among others.

Solutions need to be created to enable the creation of smarter transport networks (Mobility as a Service - MaaS), the digitisation of processes and activities, the reduction of gas emissions, the effective management of resources and waste and the improvement of energy efficiency in the management of public spaces and the heating of buildings.

It is impossible to dissociate the cities of the future - smart cities - from issues such as sustainability, waste management, digitalisation, improving energy efficiency and mobility. According to the study Smart Cities Solutions for a Riskier World, conducted by ESI ThoughtLab in 2020, COVID-19 has made a significant contribution to accelerating the implementation of smart cities, i.e. efficient, connected and sustainable cities. Through technological innovations, smart cities seek to provide an urban environment that promotes human development, the sustainable use of natural resources and boosts the local economy.

Looking to the future and focused on creating sustainable solutions to the multiple challenges facing cities, Ubiwhere has created the City Nervous System. An innovative concept that interprets cities as living organisms, capable of generating information and acting accordingly, directly and automatically.

Cities are moving towards digitalization, but this is not a quick and instantaneous process. There is a path to follow, in stages. The Digital Nervous System Testbed offers a path for cities to digitize old systems, adopt new technologies, create and promote innovation but, above all, create a single, holistic and interconnected vision of everything, all the time and everywhere.

Parkware — Solução para Gestão Inteligente de Estacionamento
Smart Cities

Parkware — Solução para Gestão Inteligente de Estacionamento

Greenville is emerging as a leader in urban transformation, driven by the implementation of innovative technologies and collaboration between governments, businesses and communities.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you still have doubts? Here are some of the answers to the most common questions.

What are Smart Cities?

According to the European Union, a smart city is one that uses digital solutions to benefit its inhabitants and businesses, making it more efficient.

A smart city has smarter urban transportation networks, updated water supply facilities, waste management and more efficient ways of lighting and heating buildings. It also has a more interactive and responsive city administration, safer public spaces and meets the needs of an ageing population

What are the main benefits of Smart Cities?

Smart cities exist to simplify and improve the lives of citizens. The collection and analysis of data is a means of supporting the decision-making process of

to optimize resources, reduce environmental impact, reduce operational maintenance costs and increase the lifespan of existing infrastructures.

What contribution can Smart Cities make to improving urban mobility?

Smart cities can only be considered truly smart if smart mobility is a concern and part of the strategy.

According to the World Economic Forum (WEF) "mobility is a fundamental human need and an essential factor for prosperity, but the current mobility paradigm is not sustainable". Today, transportation accounts for around 25% of the EU's total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In order to reduce this percentage, targets have been set for at least a 55% reduction in transport-related GHGs by 2030 and 90% by 2050.

In the next decade, the mobility sector will focus on sustainability based on digitalization, with a growing tendency to place the user at the center of policy and the solutions created.

There is therefore an urgent need to create solutions capable of tackling the real day-to-day problems faced by residents, such as: creating models for urban shared mobility fleets and encouraging the optimization of the use of clean energies in electric mobility, developing a multimodal and multi-operator platform for mobility management, with real-time location and creating knowledge about the users of solutions in the ecosystem of a Smart City, and their technological needs.